Short Films have a rather diverse market, even though they can be very versatile, they don't have the same 'must-see' factor that feature films have. Film networks such as the BBC, and short film festivals all feature theses short film, and support and develop the talent of those who produce them, and give them some recognition. Having these networks and festivals support the short film industry, it produces new talent, meaning for those who do enjoy watching a short film, they're still getting a range, even if it is relatively smaller than the bigger film markets.
Shorts are occasionally broadcasted as a filler, when the film is to long for it's time slot, again giving them recognition. However Short films are slowly but rapidly growing in popularity, as many see it as a chance to break out into the film making industry, as it's a huge amount cheaper to produce a short, with a lot less equipment needed. They are also very easy to access, with many on You tube, which is a great way to get your film noticed, with over 100 million viewers every day. However much publicity is given to short films they will never be a world wide phenomenon, which is exactly why they can push the boundaries, and experiment a lot more.
Below is a short film created by Zax Short, called 'Bad Eggs'
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